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Government is not serving the people, it is suffocating them

Writer's picture: Dean DwyerDean Dwyer

In every nation of the world there is a governing institution. Of course, the ruling ideology of those governments differs depending on not only political, but also religious, views. In Western nations, we have largely lived under governments whose mandate has been to serve the people. However, it is becoming increasingly obvious that many governments are no longer serving the people, they are serving interests tied to globalisation. Unfortunately, those who are leading these globalist entities do not value the virtues of representative democracy but instead prefer to operate under technocracy. For those unfamiliar with the term, “technocracy” is a form of governance in which decision-making power is vested in experts or technical professionals rather than elected representatives or politicians. Therefore, the underlying concern of most ordinary people is that technocrats are not voted into their position and, more importantly, they are unable to be voted out. Although the term “technocracy” is rarely used by those within its sphere of influence, the effects of technocracy are clearly seen throughout the world, particularly in relation to the agenda at the forefront of the World Economic Forum’s vision of the world.

Whatever system of governance you live under, it is becoming increasingly clear that government prioritises its own interests (and that of its technocratic masters) rather than the interests of the people. In particular, we see the curbing of civil liberties (including free speech) which are being used as the tip of the spear to subjugate and suffocate people worldwide with the clear intention of ensuring the behaviour, attitude and thinking of citizens remains in lockstep with government. As somebody recently said concerning COVID-19, who would have thought that eliminating free speech would be the key to beating a virus.

In China, the Standing Committee of the nation’s legislature recently released a range of draft laws which would forbid a range of behaviour including dress or speech “detrimental to the spirit of the Chinese people and hurt the feelings of the Chinese people.” Of all of the power harnessed by the Chinese Communist Party, how odd that it would feel harmed by the humble shirt. Of course, lawmakers were not able to provide examples of how one would end up on the receiving end of a 15-day detention period of 5,000 yuan (US$680) fine. Naturally, due to the subjective nature of “feelings”, the government would retain the right of arbitrarily applying the law.

But while China is an obvious flashpoint for the fight for civil liberties, it appears that Brazil is also being touted as a testing ground for silencing free speech. Since 1988, after Brazil ratified its democratic constitution after decades of dictatorship, there were hopes that Brazil would flourish into a longstanding and relatively stable democracy. However, there are growing concerns that the government is slipping back into authoritarianism and censorship. The main instigator of the censorship is Alexandre de Moraes, the president of Brazil’s Supreme Electoral Court (also known as the Superior Electoral Court). Ostensibly, the Court is tasked with strengthening and protecting Brazilian democracy. However, it appears that the main focus of de Moraes is to silence dissenting voices, which became evident as a result of de Moraes targeting certain high-profile individuals. One of his targets was YouTuber Bruno “Monark” Aiub, hailed as the “Brazilian Joe Rogan.” Social media platforms were ordered to block Aiub from sharing content or face a daily fine of $49,000.00. His “crime”? Questioning the use of certain voting systems used in the elections.

Late last year, when de Moraes had the gall to visit the US and lecture people on the future of democracy, Brazilian journalist Allan dos Santos found out exactly how far-reaching de Moraes’s powers are. After dos Santos protested outside the hotel where de Moraes was staying, his passport was revoked, leaving him stateless and stranded. De Moraes has also jailed five people without trial for posts on social media and ordered the removal of thousands of social media posts that he said attacked Brazil’s institutions.

But the latest example of government overreach must surely go to the UK government who are set to introduce new laws which may criminalise non-compliance with net zero measures. Under the proposals, people who fall foul of the regulations to reduce their energy consumption could face up to a year in prison and fines of up to £15,000.00 (US$19,000). Rosa Koire, who was the executive director of The Post Sustainability Institute wrote in her book “Behind the Green Mask: UN Agenda 21” that the plan for world governance was “eating like a metastasized cancer into every nation, free and bound, in the world. Under the banner of saving the planet, we are drowning liberty”. She also wrote, “Under the mask of green our civil liberties are being restricted, constricted and suffocated in every village and hamlet.” That book was written in 2011. Since then, things have become exponentially worse for those who stand opposed to this eco-agenda. In fact, one UK politician believes that if the government’s energy legislation passes, it will lead to the loss of private property ownership for some people who are unable to afford modifications to their home to comply with future net zero obligations. In his view, the government would offer (ie. demand) that you sell your home to them so that either the necessary upgrades could be made at government expense or, quite simply, so that the government may demolish homes which are not energy efficient.

Although we should be rightly concerned as to the actions of governments the world over, these examples also highlight how much the believer yearns for that blessed time when the Lord Jesus Christ will rule and reign from Jerusalem during the Millennial Kingdom. During that period there will be no unjust laws, no corruption, no bribery, no falsehood and no denial of God in government. What a day that will be.



Pastor Dean Dwyer 0422 307 407

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