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Our beloved missionaries

A Christian missionary delights in spreading the good news of Christ to the lost just as Paul did: “Now when I came to Troas for the gospel of Christ and when a door was opened for me in the Lord. . . . thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; to the one an aroma from death to death, to the other an aroma from life to life. And who is adequate for these things? For we are not like many, peddling the word of God, but as from sincerity, but as from God, we speak in Christ in the sight of God” (2 Corinthians 2:12-17). Rather than seeking personal gain while witnessing, Christian missionaries bring glory to God by honoring Christ’s righteous life, sacrificial death, and absolute authority.

The missionaries we support financially and prayerfully

Dennis and Melody Taylor

The Taylor family first moved to Dodnun Community, which is a small Community (about 40 people) in the centre of the Kimberley Region of Western Australia in 1993. Our goal was to learn what we could of the language and culture of the people there, so we could explain the Word of God in a way that could be clearly and accurately understood.


Over the many years that we have lived at Dodnun, we have been involved with many things in the Community including some of the administrative aspects of the Community and in particular starting and running the Community shop. Being involved in these kinds of ways, gives us the opportunity to be a testimony to others and also to love and serve others, which is meant to be the "trademark" of every Christian. Our primary focus is on carrying out spiritual ministry with every person God brings across our path. The other things that we are involved in are simply tools that can help enable us to carry out this ministry.


We normally have a Kids Club and at least a couple of other ministry meetings each week as well as sometimes showing Christian movies or having one on one studies or catch-up sessions with people in the Community. We are currently at the point where we are looking to God to see how He wants us to phase out of some of the things we are doing and ultimately when and where He might want us to be in the future. We would like to be able to do this in a way that can leave Dodnun and especially the Believers at Dodnun, well placed to be able to continue on into the future.   


After almost 28 years of mission work, their future is looking unsure. Especially now with Dennis' accident, it is unlikely that he will be physically capable of coping with the demands and pressures associated with the constant work required for living in such a remote location. Pray that their strength will be in the Lord.

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Colin and Sharyn Lituri

Colin Lituri grew up in Bundaberg and attended a church which claimed to be ‘the only true church’. After becoming a High School teacher just outside Gympie, his faith in this group was shaken by a committed and joyful Christian family who spoke only of relationship with Christ. In 1982, after several months of study of God’s Word and prayer asking God to show him what a real relationship with God meant, Colin came to faith in Jesus Christ alone for his salvation. His wife, Sharyn, followed a few months later.


Immediately, their lives were changed and their desire to serve God led, in 1991, to Colin entering Bible College in Adelaide. In 1994, he was then called to be the Senior Pastor of Woodvale Baptist Church in Perth, a position he held for the next 23 years.


In 2017, as he stepped down from this role, The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry invited Colin and Sharyn to be their representatives back in their home state of Qld. They now travel to churches, as well as holding conferences, all over the state and around Australia. From 2020, they will be leading tours to Israel as well as continuing to host Israeli backpackers in their home.


Living ‘the Christ-life’ is a passion of Colin’s ministry. They have three adult children, a daughter and son-in-law and, reportedly, three amazing grandchildren!

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Helen Matara

In Helen's own words:  


I’m so thankful for the opportunity He provides to be able to serve Him.


Currently I’m in kids ministry every Sunday and Friday kids club. Also discipleship at church and evangelising in community and streets.


Really appreciate your prayers and support 


The Parrys

We ‘David, Robyn & 3 kids(Logan, Ronan & Kiyana) Parry are missionaries with New Tribes Mission PNG.  We moved here in 2010 with the desire to see the least reached people groups of PNG, reached with the gospel.  New Tribes Mission(NTM) is an organisation that targets these least reached people groups and we allocate families into remote tribal groups that have asked for missionaries.  We moved into a remote tribal location in 2012 and started house building and learning language and culture.  Due to a neck injury Dave sustained while hiking which then prevented us from continuing as missionaries in the remote rugged area we were in, in 2015 we moved out of the tribe to our headquarters here in Goroka and we continue to be involved by supporting our bush locations from here. 


We have been involve in a variety of different roles since 2015 and Dave’s skills as a jack of all trades/manager, has led to a new position as a Technical Services Manager.  He is developing a team that will best utilise the skills of our highly skilled missionaries that will then be able to serve the whole field.  Whether that be going to a bush location to help missionaries build houses and set up solar/electrical systems, repairing vehicles, water systems and much much more.  In the past, every location has had to find their own people to do these things and many things just don’t get done, causing major issues when something goes wrong.  We have 7 support centres and over 30 tribal works that this team will support where needed.  He is hoping to have a variety of skills in his team such as IT people, mechanics, electricians, builders, engineers etc.  Dave is very excited about this team and looking forward to how this will help the larger ‘mission’ here in PNG.


Robyn is the ‘Purchasing Manager’ for the mission.  Due to the lack of ‘western’ supplies in PNG, we need to get quite a bit of our supplies from overseas.  We have a small store where we stock all of our essentials in order to provide what our bush locations need.  In order to stock these, Robyn purchases what she can from in country in LAE which is one of the major ports in PNG.  We get 20ft containers up every few months.  What she can’t get from LAE, she gets from the USA with a 40ft food container every 4 months as well as a non-food container every 4 months.  On top of this she helps bush missionaries and our departments, including our mission school, with any purchasing needs.  So she is kept very busy with organising all of this.


The kids are 17, 15 & 13 and all go to our mission school.  Logan, our eldest, is hoping to pursue flight training once he graduates in two years and Lord willing end up back on the field as a missionary pilot.  The other two have no aspirations as of yet other than wanting to be missionaries, but of course that is all they’ve known so we will see where the Lord directs their paths in the future!  They all love their lives here as missionary kids and we love the opportunities they get as first hand witnesses to the many amazing things the Lord is doing in this country!



Pastor Dean Dwyer 0422 307 407

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11-13 Eiser St
Harristown, 4350


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